Illinois Police Officers Face No Criminal Charges in Deadly Shooting of Unarmed Man

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A 911 call from a woman led police to respond on February 3, 2024, late at night. She claimed that her boyfriend Isaac Goodlow, who was 30 years old, had physically harmed her. This event took place in Carol Stream, Illinois. The woman had suffered a bruised eye and lip injuries. She conveyed to the police that before she escaped their shared apartment Goodlow had beaten her.


Reaction of Police

Officers announced their presence and asked Goodlow to open up for nearly sixty minutes, but he rejected their request. Six officers finally used a building employee’s key to enter the home when he did not agree to open up his door. The situation turned worse really fast when they entered his house. Body camera footage showed how an officer kicked open a bedroom door where either Goodlow’s knee or thigh appeared suddenly and got shot.

Berlin revealed that the officer thought that Goodlow was pointing something towards him or was going to throw something or was going for his gun. “I had to step back and shoot as I perceived threat from aggressive sudden movements by Goodlow”, told investigation investigators.


Legal Defense

The announcement came from State’s Attorney Robert Berlin stating that there is not enough proof to deny the use of deadly force by the officer beyond doubt. “It’s always sorrowful when a life is lost,” said Berlin. “Charging someone with criminal offenses is only possible if there is enough evidence proving guilt highly probable.”

Berlin emphasized that his conclusion on not proceeding with charges was after thorough investigation. His office did neither confirm nor reject whether the police officer was justified, because they just couldn’t prove it.


Family Outrage and Civil Lawsuit

Goodlow’s family openly condemned how the department dealt with this case. They went ahead and started legal proceedings claiming that Goodlow’s civil rights were violated due to excessive force application. According to their lawyers’ crucial facts and important evidence are being overlooked.

“We will do everything in our power to get some justice for Isaac’s family,” stated lawyer Steven Hart. “True justice can never be achieved as we can’t bring Isaac back. But these officers should have faced consequences, but they did not.”


 Effect on Community and Response of Police Department

The Village of Carol Stream and its police department are facing a lot of backlashes since this incident took place. Therefore, the Carol Stream Police Department has started a detailed review of its guidelines alongside providing new training focused on conversation skills, understanding tactics and decision-making.

The village said in their statement “Our mandate on transparency brought us here to provide new training for our officers stressing on communication, understanding tactics and decision-making.”


Incident Details

Officers were at scene around 4,14 AM following a call from Goodlow’s girlfriend about an assault by him according to Berlin. Her injuries that included a cut lip injuries and bruised eye were evident. She willingly allowed the cops to enter her apartment both for her safety reason and also for them to collect her belongings.

The police officers repeatedly knocked the door and also identified themselves but got no reaction from Goodlow. They entered his apartment in single file line after getting the key from a maintenance staff. The person leading the line, Officer Dan Pfingston, had his gun out and held a ballistic shield with his other hand.


The fatal shooting

As officers neared the bedroom Pfingston used a kick to open it. Goodlow who was behind it moved towards Pfingston aggressively. Pfingston perceived it as a threat thinking that Goodlow was either pointing or reaching for his firearm, he shot him once hitting his chest. The event inside the house lasted for about 12 seconds only.


Aftereffects and Current Investigation Status

After being shot Goodlow was handcuffed before life-saving methods were started. He died later at the hospital nearby where he was taken shortly after this incident. Public received only blurred and partially edited body camera footage which became disputed. An audit confirming that there weren’t any changes done supported their claim on footage edit by Goodlow’s family who is continuously seeking justice through their civil lawsuit. “We want everyone to know our loss due to these acts,” said Michael Pigram, brother of Goodlow.


The decision for not indicting the officers involved in Isaac’s murder resulted in widespread debate highlighting unsolved issues of police use of force policies and accountability. There are several onlookers both nationwide and locally looking forward to some clarity as well as justice from this case while the family is still fighting their civil lawsuit.

Celina Brooks

Celina Brooks from Mussoorie is a Writer & Researcher. She earned her Engineering degree in IT from Rutgers University. She is a technology enthusiast but loves writing and talking about local news as well. She is a jolly person with 2 children.

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