Saint Louis Zoo Wild-Care Park Set to Boost Economy by $660M

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The Saint Louis Zoo Wild-Care Park will be a major attraction and economy booster for north St. Louis County. Zoo officials predict the park will produce a financial return of $660 million over ten years. With the existing Forest Park Zoo, the total economic turnaround is estimated at $2.5 billion.

Sabarras George, director of the new park, spoke about the strategic selection of location saying it was chosen for its ample land and growth potential.


Park Development Underway

The former plumbers and pipefitters union headquarters site is being turned into the Wild-Care Park. Previously housing one of the world’s biggest pools and an 18-hole golf course, it’s now becoming an active wildlife park.

“We’ve started planting,” said Leslie Garner, director of architecture and construction for the park. “We’ve planted near entry roads but still have to plant in middle areas and left sides. The entire property will feature native landscaping, with 260 acres already shifted from golf greens to natural grasses.”


New Animals Settling In

The park currently houses 17 animals, including ‘Roxie, ‘the first Grevy’s zebra born onsite. “We began welcoming animals last September. We’re expecting our count will reach 40 by this yearend,” mentioned Martha Fisher, general curator for the park. By its official opening in 2027, about 250 animals belonging to around 30 diverse species will live at the park.

Two distinct areas make up this safari themed park. One exclusively dedicated to conservation while another promises an adventurous safari ride encapsulating a slice of Africa within its boundaries.


Breed and Conservation Goals

The main objective of the Wild-Care Park is breeding wildlife. Already, it’s witnessing the successful reproduction of critically endangered Grevy’s zebras. A herd of 12 addax, a species under extreme threat, also inhabits the park. Several births are anticipated soon with 11 female and one male in the mix. “Our male addax is all set to ensure successful breeding.” Fisher revealed.

The animals enjoy vast spaces for free-range movement, split between fields spreading over 100 acres and 60 acres respectively. This promotes stress-free living conditions leading to natural breeding practices. “Adaptation comes naturally to these wild animals,” added Fisher.


Financial Return

The Wild-Care Park is expected to reap substantial financial benefits for its surroundings. A study by zoo officials suggests that with operating costs, job opportunities and local taxes taken into account, it will bring in over $660 million over ten years.

An estimated average of around 421900 people are likely to visit each year. Approximately 43% will be from outside St. Louis summing up to $184 million in a decade.

St. Louis County Executive Sam Page sees huge potential in the park, “We’re expecting it will propel tourism and enhance north St. Louis County’s economy,” he stated.


Ongoing Projects

Construction efforts for introducing new animals into the park are currently being carried out. The target is that by yearend they’ll house about forty animals brought in from certified members of Association of Zoos & Aquariums ensuring optimal genetic compatibility for effective breed conservation

Design strategies promote takeover by native grasses on previous golf greens. Four barns, out of an eventual twelve, have already been built. Barns for housing species like white rhinos and giraffes will be constructed in the future due to their specific needs.



The Saint Louis Zoo Wild-Care Park is positioned to become a prominent site for wildlife conservation and great economic source for the region. It scores high on strategic location selection; dedicated conservation aims and projected financial returns promising growth for the local community along with wildlife.

Celina Brooks

Celina Brooks from Mussoorie is a Writer & Researcher. She earned her Engineering degree in IT from Rutgers University. She is a technology enthusiast but loves writing and talking about local news as well. She is a jolly person with 2 children.

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