Illinois Children Need More Support from Advocates

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Illinois urgently needs more volunteers for Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). Pike, Morgan, and Cass are the counties needing the most volunteers. The selection of these volunteers is based on their fairness, skills, and dedication. CASA provides support to over 50 counties in Illinois.

Work of CASA Volunteers

In the words of Adams County CASA, a volunteer must make efforts to understand the child well by knowing others who interact with them regularly. This involves analyzing records and discussing with parents, foster parents, teachers, and very importantly, with the child.

The coordinator from Adams County CASA shares that a case falls to her attention if a volunteer does not take it up. But because of a busy schedule, there is no assurance that such case will be properly reviewed or provided with enough care expected for it.


Present Needs

  • Pike County has 75 children in court system out of which 26 are still waiting to be assigned a CASA volunteer.
  • Morgan County needs volunteers for 37 out of its total 95 children.
  • Cass County lacks volunteers for 12 out of its total 25 children.

An experienced volunteer Patricia Reep says, “I speak for children. I discuss with them about their wishes. I spend time observing their growth and development.” With joy she added, “They really crave love.”

In West Central Illinois under the Advocacy Network for Children’s jurisdiction on seven counties there are only 89 helpers available to stand in on behalf of approximately 588 vulnerable kids.

The Scene in Springfield Currently

Sangamon County has hovering around 600 foster care children and although CASA was able to provide support to 230 children, there is a gap of 370 children which are still need of a CASA. CASA Program Director Jennifer R&D Dowd believes, there is an urgent responsibility to help these children and recognizes the efforts of their volunteers who work steadfastly in protecting the rights of those in their care. She emphasizes that in child advocacy work, one person’s contribution makes a difference.


The Backbone of Champaign

An estimate suggests 325 kids are in court system of Champaign County with assistance from about 110 benefactors. “Our volunteers make our work for these kids possible they’re the key part we can’t do without them. Promoting interests of Children at all costs,” says R& D Record, Executive Director of MSW.


Become A Volunteer For CASA

If you wish to be more involved and find out how you can add value to the lives in need, consider becoming a CASA worker. John Wood Community College will hold two training sessions managed by Advocacy Network for Children on June 12, 2024. Focusing on poverty, trauma and ambiguities associated.


About The National Association

Across the country volunteer institution Americans works towards ensuring welfare for abused or unwanted children according to National Data More than ninety-three thousands of enthusiasts render services in forty-nine states out in DC, North Dakota happens to be an exception without any representation from Casa organization.

Current Position

CASA programs available today cover D.C and Forty-nine states within America with resources allocated through juvenile justice office as well as some charitable contributions by NGOs, corporate sponsors, and local action groups but recent high-risk alert issued by U. S justice Department on March 29th, 2023, indicated momentary pause over funding aspect. This has led staffs being laid off along with slowed down cash allowances

Regulations To Be Followed

CASA agents have mandatorily complete thirty hours classroom teaching, observing court procedures and continue with their training annually. Stringent Criminal background checks are performed each state in America have personalized program, introducing national level lessons as well as program norms.

CASA / GAL Approach

GAL or CASA volunteers are handpicked by the magistrates to look into best interests of juveniles, their responsibility lasts till child is securely accommodated with a decent family. Volunteers work on case in collaboration with welfare professionals from Child’s side, legal combatants, trainers service providers hence ensuring judicial authority gathers all information they need to make detailed assessment for each and every kid.


Impacts And Roles of Volunteers

CASA’s positive influences have their routine civilian setup, after undergoing stringent selection process and training, more than thirty hours before they are allocated a child under them with an additional requirement if twelve hours of continuing yearly instruction Volunteers receive ongoing support to help them advocate effectively on a child’s behalf.


Importance Of CASA Volunteers

On contrary CASA volunteers that limited their assistances only towards one or two children or a group of siblings allowing them to give most attention for each perished kid. Trained generously to evaluate certain contextual concerns regarding what is good for the kids, that might not match with other parties involved including that of juvenile’s own desires.

Changing The Scene

Only citizen volunteer which can represent officer of court proves to be casa in overwhelmed social welfare system. Abused or disregarded children case lose emphasis due too many existing cases at present Casa volunteers bring about changes Appointed by magistrate’s casa usually handle 1 case at a time confirming continued assistance.


CASA volunteers fill in right gaps within lives of unattended, maltreated minors giving them an opportunity towards normal life Yet it’s absolutely necessary we require more volunteer commitments across United States.

Celina Brooks

Celina Brooks from Mussoorie is a Writer & Researcher. She earned her Engineering degree in IT from Rutgers University. She is a technology enthusiast but loves writing and talking about local news as well. She is a jolly person with 2 children.

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