Spiders Invade Homes During Heat Waves, What You Should Know

Estimated read time 4 min read

St. Louis is at the height of summer with scorching temperatures making homes warm and uncomfortable. To counter this, residents are aiming to cool their houses down, but this has led an unforeseen issue, an increase in indoor spider sightings. As the temperature rises, spiders become more active, frequently appearing in residential settings.


Increased Spider Activity During Summer

Over the hot summer days, there are often more spiders found inside homes. When temperatures reach between 90 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, spider activity increases significantly. Being cold-blooded creatures makes spiders more active during warm weather as it boosts their metabolism and drives them to hunt for food vigorously.

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) confirms that spiders live in almost every habitat within Missouri, including human residences. When it’s hot outside during summers, they typically stay in attics but move to cooler areas within the house when temperatures rise even more.


Common Spiders, Brown Recluse and Black Widow

Rottler Pest Solutions receives most calls about brown recluse and black widow spiders in Missouri. Brown recluse spiders especially contribute a lot towards the functioning of extermination services. While these spiders help control wild insect populations according to MDC data, they can become a nuisance when they infest homes and feed on other pests hiding around the house.

For management of these pests, Everitt says homeowners should use safety precautions while dealing with spiders by following instructions strictly on products they use for keeping them away and wearing protective gloves as well as sturdy shoes.


Summer Spiders In-house Invasion, Why It Happens?

Which Spiders You Can Find in Summer Inside Your House. There are a few species of spiders that can be typically found indoors during summers such as,

  • House spiders
  • Jumping spiders
  • Daddy long-leg spiders
  • Cellar spiders
  • Wolf spiders
  • Black widow spiders
  • Yellow sac spiders.

In case you spot an infestation, it’s a good idea to reach out to local pest control experts for thorough inspection and handling.


Spiders’ Desire for Shelter

During hot weather, just like humans, even spiders search for cooler places to escape heat. Also, when outdoor temperatures become unbearably high, they manage to get into houses where it is cooler. This behavior is typical even in winters when they try getting into warm homes escaping the outdoor cold.

Apart from extreme temperatures too hot or too cold if the weather turns extremely wet or dry, then too it may result in indoor movement of these creatures as they prefer stable conditions and move if their habitat conditions diverge according to MDC.


Spiders Search for Food and Water Indoors

To sustain life, Spiders need constant access to water. During extreme summers when there’s shortage of water outside, they move indoors looking for standing water. Along with this, food also drives them inside our homes. If enough prey isn’t available outdoors, then crumbs and unattended food inside house becomes their target.

Why Your Home May Become Spider Mating Grounds

Your home may unintentionally become a breeding place for some species of spider which mate during July August timeframe. After getting indoors they spray pheromones to attract mates which although isn’t noticeable by humans can attract more spiders causing increased sightings.


Spiders Following Prey Inside House

If there are other bugs like ants or flies, then chances of spider infestation are high as these creatures follow their prey. The presence of other insects and the associated vibrations created can be sensed by hairy legs of spiders called trichobothria guiding them towards their prey and into homes.


Keeping Your House Spider Free, Some Advice

To avoid sharing your home with spiders, you could try the following,

  • Remove leaves and debris from your yard.
  • Make sure to seal any openings around the house thoroughly
  • Always ensure doors are closed when not used
  • Work towards eliminating bug species inside your home

If all else fails, professional pest control firms might need to be consulted.


Closing Thoughts

Rising temperatures cause an increase in spider activity within houses. By understanding why these creatures seek shelter, food, water and mates indoors can help residents take necessary precautions ensuring their homes remain spider free. By taking a few simple steps or calling in professional help if needed, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable summer without any eight-legged visitors is possible.

Celina Brooks https://www.southcountymail.com

Celina Brooks from Mussoorie is a Writer & Researcher. She earned her Engineering degree in IT from Rutgers University. She is a technology enthusiast but loves writing and talking about local news as well. She is a jolly person with 2 children.

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