Trump’s Backing from Illinois Republicans After his Conviction

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Former President Donald Trump has made history by the first American president found guilty of felony crimes. The jury in Manhattan convicted him on 34 charges related to obscuring business records regarding a $130,000 payment to adult actress Stormy Daniels before the 201 elections. Despite his conviction, Trump continues to be the expected Republican candidate for the 2024 presidency and plans to appeal this decision, persistently calling the trial “rigged.”


Sentence Announcement and The Republican National Convention

Judgement sentencing for Trump is set to happen on July 11, three days prior to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Interestingly, Trump could serve as president if elected even while in prison.


Republicans Label the Trial Unfair

The conviction of Trump hasn’t influenced his primary supporters in Illinois. Mary Miller (R-Oakland), U.S Representative, openly criticized the trial stating that a Democratic judge instructed the jury on social media platforms that President Trump would be guilty if only 4 out of 12 members agreed on a crime. Miller went on insisting that Anti Trump witnesses confessed perjury and blamed manipulation on part of a prosecutor appointed by Biden’s Department of Justice.

Mike Bost along with Darin LaHood, representative colleagues stood alongside Miller’s views who is speculated about being considered for Trump’s vice-presidential spot.


Restrained Reaction from Republicans

Josh Loyd, competing against Nikki Budzinski U.S Representative from Virden garnered attention for maintaining distance from Trump’s campaign. His message revolved around endorsing truthfulness over deceit and justice above wrongdoing leading towards voting.


Boost in Campaign Fundraising for Trump

In response to his conviction, funds amounting to $34.8 million flowed in, being nearly twice the funds previously raised on a platform called WinRed. News stating that even the site crashed due to excessive traffic.


Democrats Celebrating the Verdict

Post his defeat by more than 10 points in both 2016 and 2020, local politicians praised the verdict. Democratic representatives echoed their happiness about Trump’s conviction openly, with Governor JB Pritzker offering his views adding felon to Trump’s tags. Further statements from Pritzker suggested that Trump would never be elected again.


One Voice among Democrats

The verdict met with joy was reflected in Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s comments stating justice has been served and how the legal system is important for democracy. Similar thoughts were shared on social media by U.S Senator Durbin and U.S. Representative Nikki Budzinski making it clear that nobody is above the law.


Unlikely Support from Rod Blagojevich

Rod Blagojevich, former Democratic governor expressed unchanging support for Trump who commuted his sentence in 2020. Further expressing disappointment with regard to judicial process, making a statement saying jail sentence for prosecutors who are spoiling democracy along with our country.


Illinois Republicans Criticizing Conviction

Moderate republicans from Illinois called out this case as a “political prosecution”. Trump’s trial was labeled as fraudulent by Don Tracy, Chairman of Illinois Republican party.


Republican Leaders Taking a Stand

Prominent member Richard Porter of Illinois Republican National Committee accused democrats of twisting judicial system according to political needs thereby raising concerns over legal processes among fellow Republicans.


Varied Opinions Within Party members

Former Illinois House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, termed the case a selective and politically determined effort adding that he was concerned too.


Reaction from the general public

Apart from politicians, Republicans are pushing against this judgement fiercely too. An example of this is the far-right Illinois Freedom Caucus member state Rep Adam Niemerg who compared democrats’ actions to “Joseph Stalin”. Fellow Blaine Wilhour criticized USA’s legal system saying people would choose Trump over others as they see it as “good versus evil”.


The Future of Trump’s Presidential Run

In spite of his conviction, supporters are doing their best in ensuring Trump’s stronghold remains intact in Republican Party by using his guilty verdict to their advantage and displaying him as a target of political oppression. As 2024 elections are approaching, his conviction might prove beneficial for Trump by rallying supporters with him. His leading position might be strengthened further for Republican nomination.

The legal and political high drama will continue to mold political landscape across nationwide, including local states like Illinois. The big question however is whether voters’ sentiment would shift significantly, or will the conviction fortify support for Trump?

Celina Brooks

Celina Brooks from Mussoorie is a Writer & Researcher. She earned her Engineering degree in IT from Rutgers University. She is a technology enthusiast but loves writing and talking about local news as well. She is a jolly person with 2 children.

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